
View the links on the left side of this page for additional Program information.

The May 2024 Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) meeting will include the 71st JANNAF Propulsion Meeting (JPM) and Programmatic and Industrial Base (PIB) Meeting, as well as the Joint Meeting of the 18th Modeling and Simulation (MSS), 14th Liquid Propulsion (LPS), 13th Spacecraft Propulsion (SPS) Subcommittees.

This meeting will be conducted Monday through Thursday, 6 - 9 May 2024 at the Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Meeting Invitation

Includes general information about the meeting and a detailed daily schedule of sessions, meetings, events, and activities being held during this meeting.
Approved for public release (U-A)

Final Program

JANNAF Secure Portal Account log-in required.
Includes the same information as the Meeting Invitation, with the addition of detailed session agendas.

Limited Distribution (U-C)

If you do not have a JANNAF Secure Portal Account, or if you do but are having difficulties logging in, visit the Security/Attendance & Portal Requirements page. Note that the Preliminary Program is marked with limited-distribution notations and must be treated as such upon download or printing.


The overall security level of the meeting is Unclassified.

Attendance is restricted to U.S. citizens employed by a DoD, DoE, or NASA facility, or with a DoD, DoE, or NASA contractor facility eligible for receipt of militarily-critical technical data.