The JANNAF Propulsion Meeting (JPM) encompasses research and applications at the systems level. The JPM is held each year in conjunction with standing JANNAF subcommittee meetings on a rotating basis. The scope of the 71st JPM in 2024 spans six mission areas (MA): Tactical Propulsion; Missile Defense/Strategic Propulsion; Propulsion Systems for Space Access; Gun and Gun-Launched Propulsion; Propulsion and Energetics Test Facilities; and Sensors for Propulsion Measurement Applications.
JPM Mission Areas
The 71st JPM sessions will cover systems development within the six mission areas described below. Additional information concerning these areas or the topics being solicited should be directed to the respective Area Chair.
Mission Area I: Tactical Propulsion
This area encompasses all tactical propulsion systems including those applicable to air-to-air; air-to-surface, surface launched and underwater missions. Typical systems include tactical missile boosters or sustainers, kinetic energy missiles, free-flight rockets, anti-radiation, anti-ship, anti-armor, anti-personnel/materiel missiles, ramjets, scramjets, and combined cycle propulsion. System studies that evaluate advanced propulsion concepts and demonstrations that incorporate one or more component technologies applicable to tactical propulsion are of interest. Examples of component technologies include propellants and fuels, fuel management systems, cases and combustors, inlets, nozzles, thrust vector control systems, thrust management systems, and advanced materials applications. Life cycle cost and demilitarization are also topics of interest.
Manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques: Papers are requested that emphasize manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques. Papers need not be associated with a particular system but should be applicable to materials associated with such vehicles and their corresponding flight environment. Abstracts are especially sought on the following topics:
- Airbreathing propulsion systems
- Hybrid propulsion systems
- Solid propellant rocket propulsion systems
- Demilitarization
- Hypersonic propulsion systems
- Improved missile kinematics
- Insensitive munitions (from a systems perspective)
- Propulsion system product improvement
- Manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques
Airframe Structures and Materials: Materials development and characterization, and structural concepts, design, test, and validation for Airframe applications and components exposed to extreme environments as found in atmospheric high speed or reentry conditions. Topics of interest include: TPS and hot structures, materials, structures and related technology for leading edges, exterior acreage surfaces, control surfaces, hot structures, and seals (penetrations). Further topics include hot and integrated structures; acreage thermal protection systems, including ceramic matrix composites, tiles, blankets, ablators, and metallics; fuel tanks, including cryogenic and hydrocarbon, composite and metallic; leading edges, including active, passive, and heat-pipe-cooled; design and analysis methods; and seals. System-level design and analysis methods for power and thermal balancing the various heat loads with available heat sinks, especially time-unsteady are of interest. Papers on structures and materials that have recently flown, or are planned for flight, on flight vehicles are encouraged.
Mission Area II: Missile Defense / Strategic Propulsion
This area includes technology applicable to ballistic missiles, trans-atmospheric vehicles, and missile defense. Emphasis should be on system-level papers discussing propulsion technology for new vehicle systems, upgrades, modernization and sustainment; failure investigations; and economic considerations that include evolving business practices, life cycle cost estimation, and approaches that reduce development and operations costs and schedules. Papers are requested that emphasize sustainable manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques. Papers need not be associated with a particular system but should be applicable to materials associated with such vehicles and their corresponding flight environment. Abstracts are especially sought in the areas of:
- Ground-based and sea-based strategic systems
- Ground-based, aircraft-based and sea-based missile defense
- Anti-satellite systems
- Advanced (including low or non-toxic) propellants
- Advanced (including light weight and/or high temperature) materials
- Insensitive munitions technologies
- Energy management approaches
- Dual mode systems (airbreathing/rocket)
- Unconventional propulsion
- Divert propulsion/attitude control propulsion
- Post boost control system propulsion
- Innovative propellant tank and valve technologies (including hot gas valves/pintles)
- Aging and Surveillance of propulsion systems
- Methodologies for determining space propulsion system useful life from design analysis and ground-based testing
- Manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques including the use of 3D printing for strategic and missile defense propulsion system components
- US-sourced sustainable materials
- Demilitarization or alternative applications of heritage propulsion systems
Mission Area III: Propulsion Systems for Space Access
This area focuses on existing or potential primary and auxiliary government, commercial or foreign propulsion systems for earth-to-orbit vehicles or in-space propulsion systems. Emphasis should be on system-level papers discussing propulsion technologies for new vehicle systems, upgrades and modernization, failure investigations, and evolving business practices that reduce development and operations costs while increasing mission reliability. Papers should address future access to space missions, future exploration missions and needs, vehicle system architectures, and the identification of critical propulsion requirements technologies that must be enabled to support these new system requirements.
Manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques: Papers are requested that emphasize manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques. Papers need not be associated with a particular system but should be applicable to materials associated with such vehicles and their corresponding flight environment. Abstracts are especially sought in the following areas:
- Methods for development of design reference missions and
vehicle systems architecture
- Future or current Vehicle systems that use either solid or
liquid propulsion
- Description of vehicle systems analysis models and
assumptions including risk
- Description of vehicle system full scale testing versus model analysis and assumptions including risk
- Details of architecture studies and descriptions of promising
vehicle architectures
- Uncertainty evaluation of vehicle systems analysis
- Cybersecurity and its relationship to operation and protection or risk of vehicle or propulsion systems
- Results of sensitivity analysis of key parameters on vehicle
dry mass fraction margin, gross take-off weight, cost,
reliability, and safety, with emphasis on propulsion
- Methods for identification and prioritization of critical
enabling propulsion technologies
- Approaches for utilizing higher fidelity propulsion analyses in
the overall systems architecture model(s)
- Methods to standardize model assumptions and fidelity in
order to make relevant comparisons between vehicle
architectures and various propulsion system options
- Description of promising new propulsion systems including risk assumptions
- Description and status of the access to space propulsion
system technology or development activities
- Small launch vehicle mission analysis
- System analysis for responsive space access
- Manufacturing technologies and fabrication techniques
- Manufacturing use of 3D printing for propulsion hardware
- Testing use of 3D printing for propulsion hardware
Mission Area IV: Gun and Gun-Launched Propulsion
This area embraces technologies applicable to small-, intermediate-, or large-caliber guns, as well as gun-launched rocket propulsion, for air, sea, or ground/mobile weapons systems. Typical rocket assisted systems include kinetic energy missiles and extended range projectiles, both guided and unguided. Abstracts are especially sought in the following areas:
- Conventional Gun Propulsion Concepts to Include Solid and Liquid Propellants
- Unconventional Gun Propulsion Concepts
- System-level Gun Propulsion Studies (gun tube wear and erosion, blast/flash mitigation, improved system survivability)
- Concepts to Enable Propulsion Systems (i.e. gun barrel and/or rocket motor case) to Achieve Higher Operating Pressures
- Assisted Projectiles
- Assisted Guided Munitions
- Propulsion Design and Accommodation for Novel Launch Packages to Include UXV
- Insensitive Munitions
- Gun Propulsion Concepts using Additive/Advanced Manufacturing Methods
- Gun Propulsion Concepts to Increase Loading Density and/or Deliver Highly Optimized Gas Generation Rates (GGR)
- Novel Ignition System and Propelling Charge Architectures
Mission Area V: Propulsion and Energetics Test Facilities
This area targets issues, technologies and achievements relevant to the operation and use of rocket propulsion test facilities for demonstration, development, characterization, and qualification of rocket, spacecraft, and gun propulsion systems, energetics, and materials for propulsion applications. Eligible test facilities include static test facilities for liquid rocket engines, solid rocket motors, electric and in-space propulsion systems, hypersonic test facilities, gel motors, hybrid propulsion systems, explosives, insensitive munitions, wind tunnels, altitude/vacuum chambers, and other rocket propulsion technologies; laboratory test facilities for energetics and materials science characterization; and test ranges for missiles, guns and rocket sleds. Abstracts are specifically solicited on the following topics:
- Best practices and testing standards
- Integrating instrumentation, controls and data acquisition systems
- Static thrust measurement systems
- Propellant and materials handling and safety
- Accident and incident lessons learned
- Test facility modeling
Abstracts on improvements in base infrastructure, updates and upgrades of test stand capabilities, new propellant inventories, or other general advertisements of capabilities or assets will not be considered for this area.
Mission Area VI: Sensors for Propulsion Measurement Applications
This area captures technologies and advancements in sensors and measurement devices for rocket and gun propulsion applications. Emphasis should be on development, application, modeling and integration of sensors for use in various propulsion applications. Abstracts are specifically sought on systems and sensors for:
- Storage, tanking and cryogenic systems, including true cryogenic mass flow, cryogenic temperature measurement, mass and level measurement in micro and zero gravity, pump and turbomachinery induced pressure fluctuations, leak and tank integrity monitoring, and other propellant feed and storage measurements
- High-temperature systems and hostile environments, including: extreme high-temperature measurements, real-time nozzle erosions and fuel regression, material ablation, flame propagation, high temperature electronics, packaging, and communications, and measurement and analysis of thermal effects on pressure transducers
- In-chamber diagnostics, including development of methods to make measurements of velocity, temperature, pressure, and/or other flow quantities inside of firing combustion chambers
- Plume measurement technology, including methods to utilize plume measurements to understand chamber operating conditions and spacecraft contamination issues
- Systems health monitoring and non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and repair, including: test stand characterization and control, structure and sense line frequency characterization, micro and nanotechnologies, systems for conversion of sensor data into actionable knowledge, technologies for intelligent health management systems, integrated fiber optics, electromagnetic NDE technologies, NDE data processing and analysis, life cycle monitoring of solid rocket motors, and monitoring of aeroshells and ballutes during reentry
- Smart sensing technology, including the development of sensors capable of automatic calibration and fault detection; intelligent sensors that are calibrated in situ and provide dynamic compensation for environmental changes (temperature, humidity, etc.); fault detection also including any fault that would cause a sensor to provide inaccurate information such as sensor damage, lead wire damage or disconnection, and the disbonding or detorquing of the sensor; smart and distributed sensor system approaches, systems architectures, and applications
- Chemical sensors suitable for solid rocket motor environments and applications (sensors of interest include those for measuring the chemical state or composition of a solid, including gaseous diffusion, liquid diffusion, changes in free volume, direct measurement of changes in molecular weight or molecular weight per crosslink due to chain scission or the reaction products which result from chain scission); and development and applications of sensors that do not alter the chemical equilibrium of the solid solution are of particular interest
- Sensor modeling and simulation including modeling and simulation methods for sensor selection and data validation approaches; and recent advances in micro/nano technology, embedded sensor systems, optical diagnostics, and multiparameter measurement technologies
- Sensor systems or approaches including embedded sensor systems enabled by advances in additive manufacturing
JHU WSE ERG Technical Representative:
Mr. Michael "Miki" Fedun, JHU WSE Energetics Research Group / Columbia, MD
Telephone: (540) 273-5501