Publication Clearance Forms

View these pages for important information about other author deliverables.

Below you will find general information about the Publication Clearance Form, which is required for all papers and presentations.

Policies Regarding Publication Clearance Forms:

  • Publication Clearance Forms are required for all accepted papers and presentations.
  • There are three different versions of the blank Publication Clearance Form, with links provided to each below and under Resources on the left side of this page.
  • Authors must use the JANNAF Publication Clearance Form. Internal forms will not be accepted.
  • Forms are due at the same time as the Papers, on Friday, 8 November 2024.
  • Submit Publication Clearance Forms per the upload instructions, which are posted under Resources on the left side of this page.
        NOTE: You must have an active JANNAF Secure Portal Account in order to submit a presentation, paper, or Publication Clearance Form.
  • The Publication Clearance Form allows you to indicate the same or different distribution statements for your paper and presentation. One form should be submitted for both the paper and presentation.

Which entity funded the work covered by your paper/presentation?

Download the applicable Publication Clearance Form version below.

The DoD

Funded by DoD contract, subcontract, or grant.

Other government

Includes NASA, DoE, etc.

Commercially funded

Not government funded.

Completing Publication Clearance Forms:

  • Be sure you are completing the correct version of the form. If you are unsure after reviewing the options and the provided resources, please contact one of the ERG staff members listed below
  • Allow time to obtain proper signatures on your form.
  • The Publication Clearance Form includes some instructions for completing the form and for marking your paper/presentation.
  • Check the Author FAQ page for the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about completing the Publication Clearance Form.
  • If you have questions not addressed by the above resources, please contact:

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

All printed and electronic, including digital, technical documents that are determined to contain Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) shall be marked. This includes, but is not limited to, all publications marked for Distribution Statement B, C, D, or E, or containing export-controlled technical data.

At a minimum, these documents should be marked "CUI" or "CONTROLLED" at the top and bottom of each page/slide, and include a CUI designation indicator at the bottom right of the cover or first page/slide. An example can be found on the Paper template, as well as the first page of the JANNAF Publication Clearance Form. For organization-specific marking guidance, please refer to your security personnel or government sponsor. For additional general marking guidance, please refer to

NOTE: As policies vary between organizations, ERG staff are unable to provide guidance in your organization's specifications for the appropriate CUI marking for your work.