The 40th JANNAF Exhaust Plume and Signatures Subcommittee meeting will include sessions on phenomena associated with exhaust plumes from rockets, ramjets, space, and gun propulsion systems as well as wakes and hypersonic flows. These phenomena can be divided into three technical areas: plume/wake/hypersonic flowfields, plume/wake/hypersonic signatures (to include electro-optical [EO], infrared [IR], and radio frequency [RF] radiation), and a broad area incorporating other plume/wake/hypersonic effects.

In addition, the EPSS Signatures panel promotes technical interchange among members of the Electro-Optical/Infrared (EO/IR) aircraft/missile signature community from both government and industry.

Instructional Tutorial(s) are solicited. These instructional tutorials are intended to provide the opportunity for each community member to obtain an advanced technical understanding of plume/wake/hypersonic flowfield and signature phenomenology from experts in the field. Each tutorial should be related to a topic listed below. Tutorials should focus on a specific phenomenon or algorithm, provide clear technical instruction, be informative, and carry an academic tone. Tutorials should be limited to two hours or less. Please communicate your interest.

EPSS Mission Areas

Areas of interest included in the Call for Papers are:

Mission Area I: Plume/Wake/Hypersonic Flowfield Analysis

Papers submitted should be concerned with basic definitions of nozzle and exhaust plume flow fields as well as wake and hypersonic flows. Solid propellant, liquid rocket, and ramjet exhaust plumes will be considered. In addition, plume/wake/hypersonic flow fields at all altitudes will be addressed. Some typical problem areas relating to low/mid-altitude exhaust plumes include external aerodynamic-plume interaction, combustion, turbulent mixing and afterburning, two-phase flow, multi-engine base flow, radiant heating, and oxidizer/fuel gradients. Typical high altitude vacuum plume problems include non-continuum flow, nozzle boundary layer expansion, and condensation. Wake and hypersonic flow problems of interest include ablation mechanisms, flow field modifications caused by outer mold line shape changes due to ablation, and aerothermal heating.

Mission Area II: Plume/Wake/Hypersonic Radiation and Signatures

Papers are solicited which describe or highlight the following: recent achievements in plume/wake/hypersonic radiation and signatures (to include the EO/IR and RF regimes); plume/wake/hypersonic radiation and signatures related to the generation of vehicle design environments; detection, surveillance, and identification; advancement of theoretical prediction methods; experimental techniques; results of ground and flight measurements; interpretation and correlation of data; any portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum from ultraviolet through longwave infrared to radio frequency (RF) regimes; plume/wake/hypersonic radiation interactions with hardbodies in the RF portion of the spectrum; propulsion systems of all types in terms of thrust level, propellants used, application, and operating altitude; the effects of atmospheric species reacting with chemical constituents in plume/wake/hypersonic flows; plumes in a vacuum; and the effects of atmospheric species on EO/IR/RF signal/signature propagation between an object of interest and an observer.

Mission Area III: Plume/Wake/Hypersonic Effects

Papers are sought that address the experimental and theoretical characterization of exhaust plume and wake properties as well as their effects such as impingement pressures and heating for low/high altitude spacecraft vehicle applications, the generation of plume contaminants, the effects of such contamination on vehicle surfaces, and the measurement of plume/wake chemical species concentrations in hypersonic flowfields. Also of interest are papers concerned with convective/radiative base heating due to multi-engine plume interactions.

Mission Area IV: Additional Plume/Wake/Hypersonic Topics

Other papers dealing with plume/wake/hypersonic flowfield and signature phenomenology and technology that are not covered by the aforementioned areas are invited.

Mission Area V: Composite Scene Signatures of Plume / Wake / Hypersonic Flowfield and Hardbody Configurations

Papers are solicited for the following topics related to composite scene signatures: EO/IR target signature phenomenology; EO/IR atmospheric transmission/radiation phenomenology and modeling; EO/IR signature target measurements; SPIRITS, FLITES and other signature/composite scene codes; SPIRITS target modules; model development and improvements; validation and calibration; applications of signature and scene generation tools to acquisition programs, signature reduction, and operational applications.

JHU WSE ERG Technical Representative

For questions related to this subcommittee and its mission areas, please contact:

Mr. Nicholas Keim, JHU WSE ERG / Columbia, MD
Telephone:  (443) 718-5005
E-Mail:         nkeim@erg.jhu.edu