In the interest of celebrating and acknowledging the accomplishments and works of community members - both veterans and newcomers - JANNAF offers three different primary types of awards. Click the links below to jump to each type.
In the tradition of recognizing the outstanding achievements by members of the propulsion community, the JANNAF Technical Executive Committee (TEC) and Programmatic and Industrial Base Committee (PEC), as well as the Combustion (CS), Airbreathing Propulsion (APS), Exhaust Plume and Signatures (EPSS), and Energetic Systems Hazards (ESHS) subcommittees, are soliciting nominations for awards to be presented at the meeting. A TEC or PEC Award is justified if the achievement or service is in a technical or programmatic area that is not covered by an existing subcommittee, or is of such scope or magnitude that merits this recognition.
All award nominations are due on or before Friday, 29 September 2023. Please use the JANNAF TEC/PEC and Subcommittee Award Nomination Form to nominate someone for any award with the exception of the Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards.
Click here to jump to award nomination instructions, which are provided below.
Nomination Award types:
The Special Recognition awards for Sustained Contribution and Lifetime Achievement honor individual achievements, either in the last 18 months or for a lifetime of dedicated service. These awards are the most prestigious subcommittee awards and reflect on the awardees’ contributions to JANNAF.
Special recognition award winners will be selected by respective subcommittee Awards Committees based on review of the nomination in consideration of the following:
Click here for award nomination instructions.
The Outstanding Achievement Award is given for the most outstanding technical achievement in the subcommittee’s area by an individual, by a team within an organization, or by a team of organizations. To recognize the varied nature of the JANNAF subcommittees and the accomplishments of their communities, nominations may be solicited and given in the two focus areas of R&D Technology and Operational Systems.
Click here for award nomination instructions.
The Certificate of Commendation is given to recognize an individual whose contributions within the last 18 months have been pivotal in ensuring the success of a JANNAF activity.
Click here for award nomination instructions.
The Certificate of Appreciation is given to recognize individuals for outstanding contributions and dedicated service to JANNAF.
Click here for award nomination instructions.
To nominate an individual for one of the above awards please use the JANNAF TEC/PEC and Subcommittee Award Nomination Form.
Nomination submissions should include the following:
Nominations should be submitted to the appropriate JHU WSE ERG technical representative no later than Friday, 29 September 2023. For a list of JHU WSE ERG technical representatives for this meeting, view the Meeting Focus page.
In addition to the nomination awards listed above, JANNAF recognizes authors of papers that exhibit excellence and significant merit with the Best Paper Awards. Best Paper Awards from this meeting will be given at the next JANNAF Subcommittee meeting.
The Best Student Paper Award will be given to a current undergraduate or graduate student who authors a paper that exhibits excellence and significant merit. One paper will be selected to receive the Best Student Paper Award. Please be sure to indicate within the abstract submission if you wish to be considered for the Best Student Paper Award. Please note that a student must be the paper's primary author to be considered for this award.
IMPORTANT: Student authors must conform to the same JANNAF eligibility requirements as other authors, per the policy on non-government attendees at JANNAF Meetings given on page 2 of the Call For Papers and on the Security/Attendance Requirements page of this website. Note that student attendees must also meet additional registration requirements, as outlined on the University Registration Information page of this site.
Student authors are encouraged to work with their advisors to ensure they meet these requirements, and should contact the JANNAF Security Team (Mionna Sharp at or Mary Gannaway at at their earliest convenience with questions regarding their eligibility and participation.
Student papers will be reviewed upon submission of their cleared manuscripts. In order to be considered for the student best paper selection, the completed paper must be provided to JHU WSE ERG by 29 September 2023. Submissions after this date will not be considered. A properly completed and signed JANNAF Publication Clearance Form must be submitted for the paper as well. The Best Student Paper Award will be presented at the JANNAF meeting at which the paper is given.