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Committees > JANNAF Technical > Safety & Environmental Protection (SEPS)

Safety & Environmental Protection (SEPS) Subcommittee

Technical Objectives

  1. Conduct technical sessions and exchange technical information relative to environmental, health, and safety aspects of propulsion activities.
  2. Survey exposure standards, methods of specialized detection, and harmonize analytical techniques and interpretation of health data for chemicals used in propulsion activities. Identify health-related data gaps and initiate research into those areas.
  3. Develop guidelines and provide assistance in assessing the environmental impact of propulsion activities and the types and hazards of propulsion-related materials requiring specialized handling or occupational safeguards. Evaluate control technologies and personnel protective equipment for hazardous materials used in the propulsion industry. Identify environmentally compatible disposal procedures for toxic substances.
  4. Analyze accidents and incidents for causes and failure modes and for damage mechanisms. Relate results to hazards classification criteria and operating procedures to develop recommended practices/methodologies. Recommend risk analysis procedures, models, and test methods applicable to current propellant-related materials in use.
  5. Review and provide comments, through the JANNAF Executive Committee, to Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and Department of Transportation proposals, and amendments in the Code of Federal Regulations regarding propellants and hazardous materials.
  6. Continue to update information of regulatory requirements and safety, health, and environmental safeguards for inclusion in the JANNAF Hazards Manual (CPIA Pub. 394).



This subcommittee is charged to develop and exchange information for safety, health, and environmental risk criteria. In addition, it critiques and develops recommendations for operational procedures and practices to manufacture, handle, transport, transfer, store, test, use, decommission, and dispose propellants, ingredients, pressurants, and propulsion systems. The primary focus of this subcommittee is to eliminate or reduce loss or injury to operating personnel, systems, and the surrounding environment due to dangers inherent in the nature of materials used. Based on the nature and extent of hazards defined, this subcommittee provides guidelines for user safety, control of hazardous operations, health effects, environmental impacts, use permits, product dispersion, waste disposal, demilitarization of aging or obsolete inventory, and risk analysis procedures. The subcommittee also develops guidelines and models for responding to incidents involving these materials.


Mission Areas

  1. Toxicology
  2. Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling and Hazards Assessment
  3. Instrumentation
  4. Environmental
  5. Industrial Hygiene
  6. Range Safety and Explosives Safety
  7. Green Energetic Materials  Joint with PEDCS
  8. Demilitarization, Reclamation, and Reuse Technologies
  9. Review of Accidents and Incidents

Click here for descriptions of each mission area.


JHU/WSE ERG Technical Representative

Mr. William Bagley, JHU/WSE, Columbia, MD